Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
We kissed a lot!

when i first met jordan my friend said he was a bit of a man slag and at first i beleived her because he said really cheesy stuff to me like "your so gorgeous, but you would neve get with me im so ugly" and i said stuff like "im not gorgeous but thanks, and your not ugly" and then i just got fed up off him for a while becuase he jusut wanted to hear someone say to him he was fit over and over again. ( btw he is really fit!)

But then we met in person, at haltemprice park, and ever since them few days i havnt stoped thinking about him, every night we met up we kissed, but only once, then the last night we met, was boxing day, we kissed A LOT!!

but now we never talk, we never meet, he always says i should get with other people, but he didnt get that i dont want anyone else.

im scared the reason we stoped comunicating was because i said to him ( this is not very accurate as my memory is XXXX but still this is a basic i deo of what i said) "i dont want this to be just a fling, are we going to officialy go out as you havnt actualy asked me yet im not oging to be standing in one place forever so please decide soon" after i said that he said he needed to sort some stuff out now, i feel so alone and heart broken was it my fault i have no idea but some how i think it was??...


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