Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
The other woman

When I met him he had a girlfriend but told me it was over with her and he was just letting it take the normal course to end. After 6 months of platonic friendship I told him we could not keep going this way as I had fallen in love with him. he totld me he was quite fond of me too and he understood. we stopped seeing eachother for a while but our connection was so strong we just could not stay away. after another 6 months or so I had enough and gave him the it's me or her. he broke off with her and we saw each other for another year but then I found out he had never broke up with her. I then told her about me. all hell broke loose and he went into hiding for a month then got back with her. 4 months later he is still seeing her and we have started seeing each other again. I do love him but I don't want to be the other woman.


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