Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
He Gave Me a STD

this boy had a crush on me for a long time. i decided to give him a chance even though i knew he had just gotten out of a long-term relationship. next thing you know, we're pretty hot and heavy. then, i find out that he gave me an std. when i tell him that it couldn't have come from anyone else besides him, because i hadn't had sex with anyone else in a long long time and had been tested before, he tells me that he suspected his ex of cheating on him, but denies that i had gotten the std from him. he then ignores me for the next month while i'm on a bunch of antibiotics and depressed as hell. later he wants to be friends, and i say okay, because i didn't want to suffer alone anymore. then i find out that he never confronted his ex about giving him an std, and that he still refuses to believe that i had gotten it from him. from that day on, i decided not to have anything to do with him ever again. and guess what? he still tries to contact me to be my "friend" AND now he's f-ing another girl!


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