Recovering from a Breakup:
How to Handle Your Ex:
Don't act like you need him

My ex broke up with me a week ago and all it has been was tears for days we haven,t been dating long about 3 months and he ment the world to me but he lived far away like 4 hours and he called me and said " hey I think we should just be friends ok" and I said to my self don,t act like you need him in our life after that I advoided calling him and I,ve been waiting to see if he will love me again and no! I think it,s over but acting like you need him is being desperate and if people think your desperate well life will be a dark tunnel from now on i loved him soo much I wish he would love me once more so trynot to sound like your dying without him there make it seem like your happy without him! Good luck!!!!

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