Dating a Friend:
Ways to Show You Care:
knowing what he hates so u dont do that mistakes

the major reason alot of girlies fail at dating is because they dont do the reasearch on their man that they are involved with. too many girlies play the field of 1000s of dudes but never take the time to get to know jus 1 dude.
if they pick jus one and stick withm, its a lot better for her and for him. loyalty baby always a bonus in any relationship. if u know what he hates, u can avoid any dating mistakes. keep in mind not all dudes are wild n kinky, some dudes are very uptight and traditional. be aware of the differences. what u may score with one dude in 1 hour, may take 3months with some uptight dude whom is traditional. and yes dudes test women all the time,
we are as picky on women as women are picky to men.

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