Kissing Tips and Techniques:
First Kisses:
Romantic but first french!(guys AND girls)

Hey guys french kissing may seem like a big step up in a relationship. It's a small step your just kissing. Guys put your hands around her waist or on her hips. Don't just leave your hands to the side!For begginers kiss her a few times like three times(mouth closed). Now gentley lick her lips. If she wants it in her mouth she will open it. Suck on her tounge and lips GENTLY!

Ladies guys want action. They want you to plat aroud with there tounge around with your man's mouth. explore. find out what he likes.

Personal experience- me and my boyfriend were in his room talking and all of sudden he leans in to kiss me. I knew what he wanted so i opened y mouth slightly like when you breath and we had our FIRST makeout seesion for an hour. Suck your partenrs tounge they will love it. It feels so good too. you might be nervous but let pass, JUST DON"T PUKE IN YOUR PARTNERS MOUTH!

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