Its like offline love, sometimes great sometimes painful...

I met.. Him in October 2010. I met my best friend on the Internet. All my other close friends too. At first that,s what he was too. A close friend. But we started... Flirting. In December I got the courage too tell him I liked him. He didn,t feel the same... We went back to being just friends. In janurary he told me he liked me. I was shocked, too shocked too tell him how I really felt the same way. So a week later it was normal talking again. By now I was in love but I didn,t know it yet. Later that month his mum died... This completely changed him. He stopped coming online. All of feburary i loved&missed him. Finally he closed his accounts, in march. But not before messaging me... I said some awful things I regret.. And now his gone and I miss him... If his reading this (unlikely) I miss you... x