That First Kiss

There´s no set rule about when to kiss someone. It all depends on when both people are comfortable with the thought of kissing each other. For some this means before dinner is served, for others it means after many dates. You need to figure out where your date is in this spectrum.

If you´re a guy, you can try bringing her hand to your lips and kissing it, and looking at her while you do it to see if she seems hesitant or if she seems interested. Another way to try is to kiss her on the cheek, being very obvious that this is a tender cheek-kiss. Very few women would refuse that, and again you could judge by her reaction if she would then want a follow-up on the lips.

Are you a girl? Lean up against him when you´re in the car, or at the movies, and keep your hair back from your cheek. This is a sure way to make it easy for the guy to kiss you on the cheek, which is ´not too threatening´ for him to do. If you´re standing facing each other you can lean in a little, and close your eyes a little, which is another hint that is usually easily picked up on. Finally, many girls simply initiate the kiss - again, if you move to kiss him on the cheek, that´s not very threatening if he wasn´t expecting it, but can lead to more if he´s interested.