Some tips from a guy.

Okay, you,ve heard a lot of stuff about being sexy but that,s only skin deep. Don,t get me wrong I like a pretty girls but that,s not all what matters. Here,s some tips to know....
1. Be yourself- Dont try to over impress guys.
2. Don,t over/under dress- A dress is nice but not past the knees and not so high you get close to the butt. Be casually sexy.
3. Don,t give mixed signals- If you like the guy don,t act like you don,t. If your kinda pretty and nice he,ll fall for you.
4. If he tells you he likes you- PLEASE don,t ignore him. If he likes you just say that,s sweet but you don feel that way. Ignoring it DOSENT WORK!!! I hate that.
5. DO BE- Kind, funny/ likes to laugh, nice, and honest ( as well as other things)
6. DON,T BE- A jerk, slut, and bitch. You may over hear that guys like sluts but what really comes down to it is that we like a girl that makes us feel appreciated.
7. If he tells you he likes someone else- Dont act all bummed. He will probably fall for you and he maybe does like you he is just either too nervous or he doesnt know what to say. Be patient.

Thanks and I hope this helped.