Stick In There!

Stick In There People!
There was this complete jerk i knew from school. And one day we was in a team. And we got on like two peas in a pod! and ever since then we were clicking. One day he asked me out..! But at school it was so awkward. because we didn't no eachother enough. so i called it off. But since then we clicked and both admitted that we were both still really into eachother. Then we were teamed up again! and totaly clicked once again! was together everyday doing what a normal couple do. Everyone was telling us to get together. But that night i found out he had got together with some other girl. I felt so depressed and angry. But he's still telling me he likes me. And who knows how long that relationship is going to go on for. So I'm sticking in there and are going to carry on trying! I feel in love.. But he says he feels like he can't joke with me no more.. But i'm going to fix this crapp.. and follow the one i love! XXXXX