you want him/her back? whats love without pain?

whats love without pain? it doesnt exist. pain is the little package that comes along with love. you want him/her back? Tell her shes the beautiful(not sexy/hot/a babe) mistress of your dreams. Tell him hes the guy youve been dreaming of your whole life. Make them feel like the only one you love in the world and you can never live without them.
what I told my ex and got his attention and love again;
"You're my first love (of what I think). *his name*. But I still love you so much, and I feel like its grown over time for some reason. And Im scared of admitting it. Love is a word im afraid of, and when I say I love you to you, It feels right. I dont feel scared. I thought you moved on, which is why I decided to as well. Hun you mean more than the stars to me. I know we have to wait, but time is just time, and I will wait forever for you if thats what it takes. No matter what we go through you know you can't go anywhere because I'll always be here. You're the ground I walk on; if you leave, how will I stand? You're the sun in my sky; without you, how will I see? You're the stars and moon in my nights; if you go, the nights will be too lonely. You're my heart; with no heart, how will I love? Please dont forget about me my love, because I will never ever forget you, my first kiss, my first real love.
Love Always,

Dont copy it guys, make it your own, add little things he/she will understand.