Dating a Friend

Getting Close to a Female Friend :
Think about Flowers

Women are trained from a very early age that flowers mean romance. Each woman has her own idea about what a nice flower is. Some love fancy roses, Other love simple daisies. Some love colorful assortments.

Figure out what her favorite flower type is, and then if you can, get one for her. Don't get a big, showy bouquet. Just get one to show her you were thinking of her and that you care about what she thinks. You didn't just get her "a rose" because that's what everybody loves - you got her the flower that SHE actually cares about (even if that does happen to be a rose).

By getting just one, it's a nice 'friendship flower' but does also start to move things subtly in a romantic direction.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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