Love Poetry

Love Poems - User Submitted :
Love Poems - User Submitted

Every day of my life, I see beauty around me
The smile of a child, a new dawn, even a tree
But the most beautiful thing is you
All objects coloured sky-blue are beautiful too
, a dolphin in the sea
green landscapes, millions of birds flying free
But the most beautiful thing is you
Your hair, your eyes and even your tattoo's
Looking at your pic when you were a little girl
anyone would say -this child fell from Heaven-
Years go by and you still keep such childish smile
when i met you at the apartments, your cute face caught my eye
Beautiful is your mind, and also your heart
your feelings, thoughts, your fingers holding that glass
Beauty is to see you happy, instead of sad
moving forward and not looking back
Beautiful are the tears you have shed for me
they say more than all words on a paper could be
You are full of beauty, but beautiful is too
the unconditional love I deeply feel for you
an im sorry for making you mad at me i hope you for give
me i just have a lot on my mind an want to talk to get it out but you wont so i really hope we can talk about wats on my mind couse baby i love you wit all my heart an soul more than words can say

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