Long Distance and Internet

Dangers to Watch For :
Yellow Brick Road

Did you ever stop to think your dear, sweet listener on the distant end is truly listening, but not necessarily with passion in their heart, but solely for information to help them in knowing what makes you tick so they can present the appearance of loving you. Sad as it may seem, your very own Mr or Ms wonderful may seem like the best listener in the world and parrot back to you the most profound and caring things. But they may actually be shallow and their only true claim to fame is patience. Taking in all of the information you are providing and listening how bad your current relationship(s) are so they can come to the rescue and save you with their words. Finding someone sincere in this regard can actually happen, but there has to be follow through, realism, and an eventual meeting to bring the total picture of your certain someone to a clear and undeniable light. However, if a one on one meeting is never there and all of this closeness is solely relegated to time on the phone and the internet, then something is going on there ~ probably something you don’t want to see. Chances are your certain someone is using you in some way ~ who knows the how or why, but if that listening ear doesn’t make itself real to you, all you have is a glorified psychologist on the other end of your phone, who is charging you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. If they seem to good to be true, they probably are.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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