Love Poetry

Love Poems - User Submitted :


I only want to tell you
exactly how I feel
the feelings that I have for you
I’m sure that they are real
love is when ur soul dies to combine with mine
so lets petit bordeux
die just a little
and not leave wat we have behind

like exploring the world
once u go home things will never be the same
so don’t give up on what we have
make room and rearrange
I promise I can be
exactly wat u need...
just tell me the truth do u really love me

Just because U weren’t hurt
dosen’t mean u shouldn’t bleed
Love is me dying a little inside
everytime u leave

your anything and everything
Love is nothing more
then wat you make it
so let’s live for now and stop trying to fake it
if u love me don’t say it
I’ll Know
ur saying "I LOVE U"
like ur the one who dosn’t know

stop trying to convince urself that ur in love with me
leave all the inhibitions behind
and please just stay and see
the freedom to feel attached
no matter how far ur apart
the stoping of time to stel that person’s heart

love can’t be defined
but is not blinded from the start
because Love sees all
the unexplainable affection
we feel for each other
our love never gets left behind
even when u Love another

love is being on the phone with u
and not saying a word
or I’m talking about nothing
still what I say is heard
Love is when u look at me
and I feel like i’m on fire
burning with the flames
of my true hearts desire

Love is when I know that it’s over
and we’ll never be again
but I can’t help but hope
we could at least still be friends
Love is leaving behind freedom
so u can be imprisoned

so invision
a perfect world
where everything is fair
where we have found this love
that can always be shared
where we have these feelings
and we own them
Love is calling your phone
not minding if I get the voice mail
because I just wanted to hear ur voice

don’t tell me that u love me
just stay with me and forget the world
because those three words are used to much
their not enough
so don’t tell me that u love me
with ur actions just let me know
and I’ll hold on to u forever
and never let you go

---BY:Amari Thomas

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Love Poetry > Love Poems - User Submitted

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