Kissing Tips and Techniques

First Kisses :
how to kiss normally??

ok i know this is going to sound really stupid, but i really like this guy in my class. i am almost POSITIVE he likes me back. lets just say that we started going out. i have never had a boyfriend before. i wouldn't know how to kiss. can you just give a description on how to do a normal kiss even though it sounds really stupid? trust me, people my age as teenagers act like they know, but are just as curious as i am and scared to ask anyone incase of embarassment. you don't know how happy i would be if you posted some advice on this. thanks so much!

[RomanceClass note: this is not the place to ask questions, but since you did here's my quick advice on kissing. Just keep your mouth closed and press your lips against his lips gently and keep them there about five to ten seconds and then do it again.]

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