Love Quotes

Beauty Love Quotes :
I love you Iain!

Iain i love you so much to death,
you treat my like a princess and i thank you for this
i dont know how i said those things, i was tired and it wasnt really me talking,i cant really explain it, but when i look back, i just can't imagine how i wrote those things.
you have no idea how much i love you, and i want to spend the rest of my life with you, and you will never understand how sorry i am, and i feel so bad, and i know it may take a while, but im askign for your forgiveness, even if its not right away.

I love you more then anything ever, forever and always, through everything! Thank you for all that you do for me, i don't deserve you i really don't. I am blessed ot have such an amazing love, so thanks mon amour for loving me back even right now, it means alot to me,
i love you, and can never say it enought,

Love Jennifer , yours forever and alwayss xooxoxoxox

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