Posted By: Adamd Breaking up and living with my ex - 06/16/07 04:56 AM
I moved across the country to be with a guy, and it ended in December, We now still live together and we had a rule that you cannot bring other guys home. Now Ii have broken this rule and lately so has he. When I see him with someone else I totally lose it!! I try really hard to contain myself but somehow that just goes... I am trying really hard to be civil, now I am single and he is seeing someone else. .He has lived in this city before and has many friends where I had to start from scratch, especially since I do not know so many people. He invites me out with his new friends and this guy he is seeing but I usually say NO because I know that I cannot handle seeing him with someone else... Is there any way to control this?? Does anyone have any tips?? Please Help, being miserable all the time because of this is no fun.....
Posted By: PDM Re: Breaking up and living with my ex - 06/16/07 12:52 PM
Hi Adam & welcome smile

This just isn't going to work is it?

You and he have split up ~ yet you still live together.

You and he have split up ~ yet you are jealous when you see him flirting with other potential partners.

Let's face it, this is not over for you.

He has moved on ~ and you are allowed to be a friend, but nothing more.

Yet he and his friends are the only people you know in the area, because you have moved from your base to his.

If you want to move on ~ move out.

I'm sorry to sound harsh & I understand that you want to have just that little bit of him that is allowed, but this isn't going to work.

If there is any chance of you getting back together, sort it out now.

If there isn't, move on & move out!

Accept that it is better to have loved and lost, and then find the person who is going to be right for you.

You won't find him while you are living with your ex.

Could you move back to your roots?

Could you start a new life here in the new town?

Be positive! You can do it! Good luck!
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