Hello everyone.

First thing's first, I would just like to apologize publicly for my behaviour on the previous topic that I had started. I acted merely on instinct and have noted to myself that this was unacceptable. To everyone that had posted on the previous topic, please accept my deepest apologies.

Now, to this topic right here.

The reason why I was so uptight the last time was because I thought I was pregnant. But recently I found out that this was merely a false alarm and that I am not pregnant. Yes, I had the symptoms of pregnancy, but they didn't apply in this case.

For the sake of saying this, I would just like to clear it up that I am still a virgin and not sexually active.

Today I spoke to my boyfriend about the false pregnancy that had worried us both, a serious talk. We both had a huge reality check and I think this will teach us a good lesson. We realise that mere fooling around isn't worth the risk if a child is involved.

Well, today was our last day together for the year. He's leaving on an expidition tomorrow and I'm going overseas next week. We'll probably only see each other on the 2nd of January with our other friend when we go and watch Twilight. I bought him a scarf to remember me by and he gave my 'engagement ring' back to me. I'm going to miss him so much.

Anyone have any advice for me on not too miss him so much? This time apart from him reminds me of when he was in the clinic. I don't want to fall back into being a zombie because he's not with me.

And is it really so wrong for a girl to present a ring to a guy? My boyfriend is kinda skeptical about it as he believes a guy should give a girl a ring and not the other way around. But the thing is that I really want to give him a ring out of my love for him. I wanted it the be plain silver but my boyfriend is kinda against it.

Any help?
Hi, Raven. I'm glad to see you posting again. And I'm sure that everyone here will be happy, also.

I'll leave the advice to others, but I wanted you to know that I admire your willingness to consider others' feelings.
It's a difficult thing to let someone go, be it for a short period of time, or forever.

Now one thing I don't understand... is why he would give you the ring back? Why not take it with him? I don't want to sound... mean or off the wall... but this doesn't make sense to me. Had someone given me a ring representing her love for me... I would NEVER let it out of my sight. This is just me mind you.

There are many things you can do to keep busy. When you're overseas, go sightseeing. Hit up a club, musical venue, museum, visit friends, make new friends, travel, read a few books, etc... Basically you sound like you want to keep busy without feeling empty. I'll be honest, you'll miss him no matter what you do, but the more you concentrate on yourself, and the things you want to do, you'll find that the time will move faster than speeding bullet. Trust me on this one.

As for giving him a ring, he sounds like an old-fashioned kind of guy, to the point to where he feels he has to do all the "guy" things. I think it's really nice of you to do that for him. If he doesn't like it well... too bad. I say you should do it, because every time he looks at it, he'll realize that someone loves him... and that is the best feeling in the world.

Good luck.
Hello again Raven! smile

Regarding the ring, men wear wedding rings, don't they?

But not all men!

My Dad wouldn't wear one and my husband didn't want one, because, traditionally, it was the women who wore them.
(Actually, I lost my wedding ring many years ago, which is a shame.)

Why not get your boyfriend something special, but that doesn't bother him as a ring might?

When we were young, and my husband was my boyfriend, I bought him a little neck-chain, with a St Christopher or something like that. Would your boyfriend prefer that, if it were something special, that he could wear to remind him of you, perhaps?

Actually, rings can be dangerous. My Dad's friend lost a finger when his ring caught in something at work. I think that this was one of the the reasons my Dad wouldn't wear one.

When my husband used to work away a lot, I used to study, write, read, work on my family tree, write letters, see friends & relatives, visit interesting places, take photographs, watch TV, listen to music, etc. I actually wrote a romantic novel.

I didn't like it at all, when he was away, so I know how you feel.
Raven, Perhaps you could represent the ring in a different light. Traditionally a ring has been the gift from the man if it meant engagement and perhaps he is old fashioned enough to feel awkward about the tables being turned.
Therefore perhaps you could tell him that you simply wanted to give him the ring so he would have a token close to his heart of your love. Silver for purity of love. Round to symbolize eternal and never ending feelings of devotion. Ask him if he would consider wearing it as a necklace instead of on his hand. It can be worn under his shirt as a private statement to him of your love, next to his heart. You can buy what is called a ring swivel that clasps the ring and makes a neclace. If he doesn't want to do it at all I would ask him to explain his feelings. Perhaps there is something deeper that he has not spoken.
Originally Posted By: joandboys
... Ask him if he would consider wearing it as a necklace instead of on his hand. It can be worn under his shirt as a private statement to him of your love, next to his heart.

That's what I was thinking! smile
Originally Posted By: Carl
... I wanted you to know that I admire your willingness to consider others' feelings.

Thanks, Carl ^^

Originally Posted By: SDG

Now one thing I don't understand... is why he would give you the ring back? Why not take it with him? I don't want to sound... mean or off the wall... but this doesn't make sense to me.

Um, perhaps I didn't explain that part right ^^; The ring is the ring that he had given me when he asked me to marry him. Now, we're both way too young for that, so I just treated it as a ring of love. It had shifted between us sometimes when he had asked for it back. I never understood why, but then he would come up with all these romantic things, like putting the ring around a few roses and giving them to me XD So yesterday he gave it back to me to keep with me during the holidays ^^

Originally Posted By: joandboys
Ask him if he would consider wearing it as a necklace instead of on his hand. It can be worn under his shirt as a private statement to him of your love, next to his heart.

I asked him that, but he still feels umcomfortable. I guess just the thought of me making a move (AGAIN!) puts him off a bit. I kind of sparked this relationship by asking him out and asking him to be my boyfriend. Perhaps the ring is overdoing it a bit. What do you think? I thought he would wear it in a necklace form as that's what I do with his ring.
Perhaps you assumed he would wear it that way but sometimes we think guys are going to do something a certain way and they didn't have a clue. Suggesting that you are both in possession of a token when he gave you back your ring will perhaps appeal to the equality of the situation and not quite seem as if you are being the aggressor. If he still says no. I would say that he must have some reason that makes sense to him. He is probably telling you the truth since he could choose to take it and just not wear it. He choose instead to tell you he would rather not.
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