I'm sure you've heard this a million times but I really need to get my ex girlfriend back. I have wrote her a 2 page poem on how much I miss her but have yet to send it. We dated for 2 1/2 years and the only reasons I could gather was she felt so far from her friends and only closer to me. She also said she didn't feel like she used to. While that maybe true I don't see how you can just leave after that. We spent a lifetime of memories in just the time we spent together. We had love like I've never felt before. I made sure she was the focus of my life but apparently that wasn't enough. She left me in April and it's October now and we've had maybe 3 actual conversations since then. And every time I bring up me and her she stops talking to me for a month or two so I just gave up. I tried moving on and while I found that to be a temporary fix she is still on my mind night and day. I will die if that means me spending one more day with her but I can't seem to get her to budge, it's like out of nowhere she just hates me. If you have any ideas like I said I'm willing to try anything. She is in college right now and I'm still a senior in high school. I've poured my heart out and more but if anything I think it fueled the fire for some reason.