Ok so there is this guy (my ex) that is like one of my best friend’s in the world! And I want to only think of him as my best friend! And he is my best friend because I can tell him anything and everything, he’s completely trustworthy and is really funny & fun to joke around with and goof off with (: But that’s not the problem the problem is that I always find myself liking him again): it drives me crazy that I always end up liking him in the end, I’m also pretty sure that he hates it to. It’s not that, that’s a bad thing but I really would prefer to move on...and as soon as I actually truly start liking other people, I come right back to him. I have liked and went out with other people before but this has never ever happened to me ever…and I don’t want to go out with him again because I have a feeling that would be bad for me. I don’t know what keeps me coming back, maybe his personality?? Looks?? Or something like that, but I want to move on if that’s even possible, any really good advice? And what do I do? I told him I liked him a couple days ago and it’s not awkward at all!!Which I’m extremely HAPPY about!!!!! But I don’t know if I should regret telling him….but I just don’t want to cause drama that doesn’t need to be caused so I’m not talking about this to him. So I guess I just need some advice…So advice would be greatly appreciated (:

Last edited by Katie Garvey; 02/07/11 11:44 PM.

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