Hell AJ_007 + welcome smile

Let's have a look at a couple of quotes from your post:
'We .. kind of started a relationship last month but she said she didn't feel a spark in it. That there was a little one but not one to keep the relationship going.'

I still like her a lot and I am pretty sure she likes me [a lot] too

It sounds as if you do like her a lot, and that you believe that she feels the same ~ yet she has already told you that she considers that the spark between the two of you is too small to keep a relationship going.

Maybe you need to really consider this and acknowledge it, because you are still saying that she likes you 'a lot', after she has told you that she doesn't feel that there can be a romance beween you.

There is one small hint of hope for you, I think ~ the fact that she feels that there is even a small 'spark', because, if there was nothing there, then there would be no 'spark' at all. On the other hand, she may be trying to let you down gently, because she likes you, and wants to remain friends with you.

As you say, being friends may be difficult, when you want more, but, if it is all that is on offer, then you may have no choice.

Remember, too, that the girl for you is the girl who is attracted to you, and cares about you, as much as you care about and are attracted to her. You may feel sad and difficult around this girl when you are attracted to her and all she wants is friendship, but, long-term this is for the best.

No-one can be happy in a one-sided relationship. A girl who pretends that there is a big spark, just so that she doesn't upset you, is not doing you any favours, so this girl is doing the right thing by telling you the truth.

One say, you will find your Miss Right and she will find her Mr Right.
One day, it is just possible that you will find each other, but for now, it's best to just accept friendship.

Good luck and take care smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.