My husband and I compost. We've got a little container in the kitchen that we use to hold compost materials - once that's full we take it out to our composter in the backyard. If the composter is full we have a small black plastic trashcan with a screw-on lid that we dump compost into until our composter has completed it's cycle. The compost then goes directly into our garden. Last year we actually had some cherry tomato plants growing from underneath our composter because some of the seeds from the tomato scraps we had in there didn't break down!! Was pretty funny - we had tomatoes in our garden, tomatoes from our CSA, tomatoes from underneath our composter...

We compost any and everything we can. Veggie scraps, egg shells, paper plates (not the plastic/wax covered ones - but then again, we don't buy those), paper napkins, etc.

What we can't compost and can't recycle gets thrown away - that's maybe a trash bag a week. Maybe.