I think this kind of thing, about the clothes, is a good example of right use. I like that nothing is wasted, that every last possible use will be wrung from these fabrics.

It goes to show that all old clothes, linens, towels, sheets, curtains - no matter what their age or condition - need to be properly donated to a facility that can actually put the fabrics into this system.

Goodwill does this - I hope all of them do. But I doubt the little 'Senior Center' rummage thrifts do. I know the very nice thrift in town here can only do so much...if something is not up to their resale standards, they do one of three things:

- put old blankets into bins for free pet blankets
- use old towels for bags of rags
- use old sheets for bags of dropcloths

...I think everything else they burn. Yes, actually burn. They have a burn permit to save them trash tipping fees. So they put particulates in the air with the unsellable fabrics.

That is not exactly something I am in favor of, but they simply do not have the infrastructure to do the fabric baling that Goodwill does.

It makes me want to sort my clothes, into "things my thrift store might be able to sell" (so i can support my local shops), and a pile of dirty, tattered, ripped and old clothes for Goodwill. But that is not really nice to use Goodwill in that way, is it?

Isn't it better that the really rubbish fabrics will at least end up being used to the last drop?