I love my bed and I use nice crisp flat fitted sheet. I wash
sheet often and never dry in dryer and usually the sheet drys
very fast. I like the clean smell & pillow cases with
creases. I have a fluffy comforter & damp dry it.
I've been told to rearrange BR funiture ( to keep from
getting stale) however I like things in a certain way.
we're to have smooth & coarse textures? I'm not normal
I guess and I do like textures? but I love lines & my
blinds are gray-blue color (lines & cloth) I have no
circles but I guess the lines in my furniture ( oak)
have lines & rounded shapes which is to promote
cooperation and improve communication with a partner smile
no broken objects in BR and we must watch where we
place our jewelry and also OUR OLD jewelery ( which is
all I have these days:) But I guess jewelry that reminds
one of a previous partner. m'm My jewelry box is Pretty OLD!
Thinking Now (I've had it through many life-times ha
We're not surpose to have a TV in BR either? I couldn't
be with out but I know alot of people like alot of
quiet & peace in the BR what ever "it's all good" I guess
as long as we're happy & thankful to rest smile