Hello DarkAng3L & welcome smile

I am going to summarise your post as I think that it may make matters a little clearer.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood anything.


You need help because your boyfriend doesnt want to talk to you.

You have dated twice and broken up twice, and now he isn't speaking to you and you do not know why.

After your first break up, you went out in a crowd of friends and you rode on the back of his bike. There was an accident. He ended up in hospital and you helped to look after him. You were not expecting a reconciliation at the time, but you did love him and he 'became sweet again' so you drifted back together.

A few weeks later, you were discussing your thoughts on likes and dislikes etc, and, by the time you had finished talking, you had broken up again. You were hurt, because he said that he couldn't understand why the two of you had ever got back together. You felt that he should have known why, so you decided to break up with him. You felt that this was also what he wanted and that you would be better off moving on and trying to forget him .

Then, 3 months later, he was back with your crowd of friends again. He told you that the break-up was all his fault and you got back together, in spite of the fact that you had decided never to date him again. You told him that you were not sure of him or of his plans for your future. But you still loved him and, when he made you promises, you took him back. For two months you were happy together and you thought that he had changed for the better.

After dating for almost three months, you went out again with the crowd of friends. Then he started to speak to you sarcastically and to misunderstand your behaviour. He angers easily and you cry in silence. You hoped to make things work out for the two of you.

One weekend, he went away with his company, to work. The day after he returned, you (deliberately) visited a friend who lives near him. You hoped to see him and talk to him, if only for a few minutes. He didn't talk to you then and still has not talked to you, or texted you, or had any contact with you.

You have heard that your boyfriend thinks that you have been cheating on him with someone else, even though you have already explained that you have just been helping the other man with some problems.

You are finding it hard to even try to keep this relationship going, when he is not willing to participate in it, or talk about it. If it is over, you want, at least, to discuss the reasons, so that you can find closure.

But, really, you want to put everything right, because you love this man.
How can you do this if he keeps away from you and will not talk to you?
Is it inevitable that you must break up with him?

Last edited by PDM; 04/22/10 12:55 AM.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.