Hello Jellybean. smile

What a strange and sad story.
I agree with both yourself and with Lisa, that it is difficult to understand how this could have come from out of nowhere.

Either he had problems all along, and was hiding them, or something happened to change things in his eyes.

You were together for about 2.5 years and living together for one of those years.

Sometimes when people actually move in together, they see new sides of each other. Sometimes this is fine; sometimes not. Maybe he just found that living with you was something he didn't enjoy as much as he thought he would. This can happen, through no fault of anyone.

Alternatively, maybe seeing you ill and vulnerable frightened him so much that it frightened him off. I know that it can be very difficult for men to see their partners like this. It was very difficult for my husband when I was ill. He stuck with me, which was brilliant, but I know that it was a very hard time for him ~ and I know other men, who have been frightened off by problems like this.

Or maybe you just didn't know him as well as you thought you did, and he wasn't the man you thought he was.

Whatever the case, this could well be a blessing, because you need your life partner to love you and to want to be with you ~ through thick and thin.

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult and confusing time, but this may be for the best. Good luck smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.