Oh dear, what a topic for me!

My husband is a Christian, Haitian, psychologist, and soft-spoken.

I'm an Atheist, Italian, Theologian, and fairly crass. Also prone to drinking and smoking and other things the hubbie does not approve of. wink

How do you learn to respect the other point of view, and reconcile a peaceful "agree to disagree" serenity?

A LOT of talking. And I mean a lot. We could discuss it all day long and seem to come to a consensus and be happy about our differences and madly in love, but the key is to always talk about it. Always. We're always saying communication is key, because it is. The day we don't communicate is the day we end. Communication has been so so so hard. Especially when I'm crass, impatient, and extremely stubborn. But we push to talk, and I fight to communicate every thought I can and how we can reconcile our differences.

Thus far, it's been great! smile