He passed in Nov, 09, and I still can't think of anything having to do with it without falling apart and crying again! Thinking of the positive things is about that in a a big way. So that is why I'm going to get the grief counseling.

Thanks for your kind words. I am so sorry you lost your Precious Baby! I felt your pain while reading your story. In fact, it kind of scared me when I thought of the fact that she had to have her surgery. That's why I did not reply to any of the members who have had losses this week; I do not have any advise for you. In fact, I am still sort of mad at God or whoever for making it this way! I am a mess and I know it.

I feel that the only thing that saves me from going off the deep end (whatever that means, LOL) is that I still have 4 budgies and 4 cats! They do love me very much and i love them very much too. I am glad I have them! I'm glad you have Blossom!

See, i didn't reply earlier because I didn't want it to be all about poor me, and here I've done just that! Sorry. If nothing else, it lets you know that you are not alone! And the members on here have been as wonderful and awesome as they could be!

Jilly, I'm sorry to have hi jacked your thread! So to redeem myself with you I am going to do some Yoga and stretches as soon as I get off of here!! smile

I DO feel fortunate for being able to have him for 18 years!

Dinah, Tweetymom

RIP precious Merlin
RIP Tweetylove
Rest with Merlin