Dear Lisa,

I am wondering what if anything you know about internet porn addiction? Recently, I ended a year-long relationship after I learned that the guy I was dating had this problem. Initially, he hid this habit from me, and it wasn't until I questioned him about his odd behavior and the stuff I found on his computer that he disclosed and admitted that he had this problem.

He rarely initiated physical contact, not a kiss a touch, nothing. Although when we would go out with friends he'd pour on the affection making the appearance that there was tremendous chemistry between us, but when we got home and were alone one on one, nothing. He would avoid intimacy mostly claiming to be "tired" or pretend that the two drinks he had rendered him too intoxicated. One on one, he was detached, distant and I never felt like he desired me, although he claimed that he was extremely attracted to me.

Finally, after I confronted him about his behavior, he assured me that he would "work on it", but after several months of the same stuff, I broke it off.

I could kick myself because early on in the relationship I had a gut feeling that something wasn't quite right. However, I couldn't put my finger on it. I felt as though he was not being open and honest about himself. Like the real him was being surpressed. Can you shed some light on this addiction? For me, my ex's problem was an extremely confusing and an emotionally draining experience. I think it was extremely selfish of him to have deceived me in this way.