I can assure you that college has nothing to do with it. I've already completed my Bachelor's degree, which I did while I was with J, and just finished my first year of my Master's degree. No man, no matter how good, would convince me to jeopardize my education and career. A "good" man wouldn't ask that of me.

I have been working a lot lately on being alone. For the first time in many years, I'm actually sleeping alone in my bed, which is quite an adjustment but one I'm growing used to more and more each day.

This is still something I struggle with, each and every day. I know it's a matter of time, though. I know at some point in time my true feelings will become more clear to me, and it will simply be a matter of me finding the courage to hurt someone I love (whether it be one or both of them).

"O Westmoreland, Thou art a summer bird."
-Henry IV, Part ii, William Shakespeare