Hello Midnightflyby. Welcome smile

I don't know ages in the American system, but I just checked some Internet sites and it seems that freshmen are 9th graders & can be aged 14-16. High School juniors are 11th graders, apparently, so I'm guessing that you are about 15 and these boys are about 17.

My daughter is 15 and I would be nervous about her dating an older boy ~ even only two years older. Some 17 year old boys might expect more of a relationship than a 15 year old girl is ready for. Some, for example, might expect a sexual relationship. This is why some male brothers and cousins, who know what the boys are like, are very protective of their younger female relatives. (If the age on consent is 16, a sexual relationship between a 15 year old & a 17 year old would be illegal.)

From what you say, both of these boys may be attracted to you. You seem to have been drawn to 'Jake', but enjoy the attention of 'Zach'.

Your decision needs to be based upon both what what your mind and your heart are telling you ~ and on what your cousin knows and your parents would be happy with.

Reading between the lines, I'm guessing that you might be happier with Jake???

Whatever you do, be careful. You should probably be grateful for those over-protective cousins. They could be very helpful to you ~ introducing you to nice boys and protecting you from the not-so-nice ones. Why don't you have a chat with them & find out what "Don't mess with him" actually means ~ and whether they would say the same about 'Jake'?:)

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.