Thanks guys so much! I just found it weird because he was the one who said he loved me first, and I didnt tell him (wich I regret) but I was like flipping out inside... It was just such a big rush, It made me feel anxious inside because love is such a big word. But really to be honest, I knew it was wayyy to good to be true.

But I agree with you guys, I just want to stay friends with him. Maybe it would be easier if we'd be older and not in high school.. But like my mom and my friends told me, their are wayyy more guys out there who will love me just as much and who I will too. Sometimes I want a guy, but in a way its like.. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone anyways someday so why not just enjoy being young ang single and just have fun and love life.

Peachy♥05|20|07 [lovebird]
Missy♥05|23|09 [cat]