Why am I going to college with no social life?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
Hi there,
My name is Brandon and im 19 years old. As embrassing as this sounds I never really had a girlfriend. Throughout my highschool life I never made any good friends and only had 2 girls that really liked me but I couldnt ask them out because I was embrassed how I looked. You see, All through High school till my senior year I was a fat kid. I got made fun of everyday and harrased. The only real friend I ever had died when she was 23 from cancer. That was almost a year ago. Anyhow I moved 4 hours north from where I used to live from the city to complete country. A lot of people that live here have BF/GFS. Anyhow I met this girl in my lab class at Collage, and we hit it off. She laughs at my jokes and talks to me. We exchanges phones numbers for class purpose and I asked her if maybe one time I call her if she could help me on my essays, and she sid ya sure. Anyhow, this week after class I walked her to her car and she liked that and the next day, I called her for help. Well our ohone conversation lasted for 1 and a half hours. I told her everything from my family troubles to the death of my freind to me moving here. She told about her life too, and metioned about a BF she had over the summer but broke up with because it was long distance. Anyhow, she gave me her brothers SN for online gaming because we play the same game and she told me she would talk to me over the game this weekend. She seem to be REALLY interested in my life but didn't pay atteniton to my profile I had online or what not. We laugh together on the phone a lot, even though the number she gave me was her home phone, not her cell phone. When I joked and said u gave me ur home she really didn't answer. She also has friends a lot of which are guys, but no idea of a BF she nver metioned. She almost sound at the end ogf the call she had to go, which she did. But I felt like if she wanted me to hang up. I don't know, She was the one that was reallt interested in my life and wantd to know about why I moved and how old I was, then sends me singals like I want to go. Any answer on my situation would be great. It really sucks having no friends or GF and sometimes I just woner about my life and why am I going to college with no social life.

RomanceClass.com Advice
This thing with your lab partner sounds realy good.

You should definitely stay on top of that situation. Don't be overly concerned if she needs to go when you are talking. You sound sensitive to her feelings but maybe a little oversensitive sometimes.

I gather you are no longer fat from what you said. But you are still suffering the feelings of loneliness from having been left out. And, you are still having trouble making friends.

Start going to activities on campus... clubs especially. On the typical campus there are maybe a 100 different clubs you can join and meet people. All of the people are shy to one degree or the other. Spot the other lonely people and start a conversation. Do this everyday and you will have more friends than you can handle.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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