he began to put my idea down in front of his friends

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
I met this guy at the beginning of the school year and liked him the day I saw him. At first I felt that he was a pretty boy who wouldn't be interested in someone such as myself. By luck, we ended up meeting in a cultural center that had a computer lab. That day we talked for nearly five hours with each other and also while other people were around. That day, he informed me that he had a political group and campus that needed a public relations person to help them attract more people.He asked me if I would be interested in the position and said that I didn't need to go through the election process. When I started, I needed to prepare for an activities fair that would allow people to sign up and join. I would always ask him for the necessary information but he would always forget or make up an excuse. At one point, I had to meet with him in his apartment with his consent because he missed a meeting with me. At his apartment I found out he had a girlfriend. I continued to work with him until the day we were supposed to present he decided to cancel it without emailing me. I went up to him and in a soft and feminine voice informed him that his behaivor was selfish and rude. He in turn began to act very strange. He one time locked himself in my study area and could not get in. Then one time I was speaking to a friend of his who is a girl and he snuck up behind her and just whisked her away while I was speaking to her. Then when I decided to start my own organization after I left his, he began to put my idea down in front of his friends. Just recently he would not let me use the computer to print out my flyers and was stalling by making excuses. Eventually I went back to print and found out that the computer logged off. I went to have it restored and he made up an excuse. Softly I said in a sarcastic tone that I am sure that that was the case and he yelled at me. I don't know what to do but I suspected that he liked me because he would say things such as there should be more people in the world like me during club meetings and he would always ask for my advice when it came to club matters. And whenever I was tired he would always act concerned. I am sorry for writing a long email but I really don't understand why he is angry and if he likes me or just hates the ground I walk on. Please help becuase I really like this guy. Thanks

RomanceClass.com Advice
He doesn't seem to like you and he has a girlfriend.

My advice is to steer clear of him and if he has an interest in you let him be the one to show it. Make sure he is done with his girlfriend before getting
involved with him.

Too bad this didn't work out--it seemed to have possibilities.

Sorry you are in this fix. --George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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