what are the best ways to overcome shyness

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
My questions is for a guy what are the best ways to overcome shyness especially with girls
thank you

RomanceClass.com Advice
Shyness sucks, but luckily there are lots of resources out there.

One of the basic causes of shyness is lack of self-esteem. Another basic cause is lack of social skills.

Like baseball, driving a car, etc., social skills are learned and you get better at them the more you use them. So, if you decide to try to overcome your shyness, which will basically be overcoming your fear that you won't be able to communicate, etc. just be yourself. "Hi" is the easiest word to say. You don't have to come up with any fancy lines or anything. If she says hi back, try to bring up a neutral subject to talk about, like school, the weather, etc. You can ask if she had a good 4th of July or whatever. The trick is to keep the conversation flowing. That can easily be done by asking someone about their interests and commenting on them and asking more. Try to be positive. If someone likes a kind of food you don't like, it's ok to say that, but say it in a funny way like, mushrooms are a fungus and I can't convince myself to eat fungus and smile.

These are just examples and they may not be the best. The point is is that you have to make a start somewhere and the sooner the better.

Best wishes,

PS Don't forget that watching other people interact is a good way to learn.

-- from Marc
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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