jealous over everything

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
me and my girlfriend has been going out for five months close to six we say we love each other but my jealousy gets in the way like i dont want her going to the movie theater not really because i think shes going to do anything but because shes going and im at work and because shes having fun shes a rich a girl so i cant do nothing for i get mad at that and im still haunted by her past sometimes i break up when i get mad then we go back what should i do Advice
You just wrote an 108 word sentence without a single comma, not even a period.

I am not saying that to criticize your English, but to point out that it is a personal style that you have. It probably spills over to the way you think and the way you talk.

Periods mean "stop." Stopping gives both you and your audience a chance to think for a moment about what you are saying. So I recommend that you make an effort to "stop" every once in a while when you are thinking and speaking.

This will help you figure out problems by yourself and with others. It will also help your jealousy because jealousy is like a torrent of water flowing rapidly in a stream. You have to put obstacles in its way to get it to slow down. Slowing down will also reduce your anger.

Talk with your gf in a gentle way. Face facts, almost every girl you meet will have a "past" of some nature or other. If you and she split up (which seems likely the way you two fight) then YOU will be part of her past for the next guy she meets. So forget the past business, it is water under the bridge.

As far as the movies... that's something else you should drop. You know that you are doing nothing but depriving her of fun and you really don't want to do that.

OK, that's about it. But I do want to emphasize that I am not criticizing your writing... I understood it fine. It was just a little difficult without having any punctuation like periods to give me a chance to think.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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